FTBA Safety Committee

Our mission is to provide relevant safety training and resource materials to our FTBA members which can be used to educate workers, protect the public and promote safety within our industry.

Mental Health & Suicide Awareness

February 24, 2023
Vince Hafeli, president, Ajax Paving of Florida, is leading a national campaign to promote awareness of suicide and mental health wellness in the construction industry. He presented his “Suicide in Construction Awareness Proclamation” February 7, 2023, at the FTBA Construction Conference, and collected signatures from industry leaders.

For information on the “Suicide in Construction Awareness Proclamation,” reach out to Vince Hafeli at Ajax Paving at vhafeli@ajaxpaving.com. Please read and sign the proclamation today at https://www.artba.org/suicide-awareness/#sign

ARTBA Proclamation Press Release
Suicide in Construction Awareness Action Steps
Construction Hike for Hope
Mental Health at Work
Natural Therapies for Mental Health
Coping Skills

OSHA Getting Hot, Hot, Hot!

May 27, 2022 | Ogletree Deakins
OSHA recently issued its first-ever national emphasis program (NEP) targeting heat illnesses and injuries. The agency is also in the process of implementing a new heat-stress standard, but that is not expected to be in place until at least 2023. For now, OSHA will use the NEP for inspections and citations under the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act, Section 5(a)(1), which requires employers to maintain a workplace free from recognized hazards and use feasible means of abatement...
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A few of our Industry leaders observing National Work Zone Awareness Week 2021!

April 26-30, 2021 | Ajax Paving Industries of Florida, LLC & Ranger Construction Industries, Inc.

Committee Members

Committee Co-Chairs:
Robinson Boucan, PRINCE Contracting, LLC -
Eric Green, Ajax Paving Industries of Florida, LLC –

Safety Committee Treasurer:
Mandy Kustra, Ajax Paving Industries of Florida, LLC – mkustra@ajaxpaving.com

Membership and Marketing Sub-Committee Chairwoman:
Morgan Reid, WorkComp Solutions, Inc. - morgan@workcompsolutionsfl.com
Mandy Kustra, Ajax Paving Industries of Florida, LLC –mkustra@ajaxpaving.com

Resource Development Sub-Committee Co-Chairmen:
Phillip Russell, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. – Phillip.Russell@ogletreedeakins.com
Lou Dema, Skanska USA Civil Southeast - lou.dema@skanska.com

Training Sub-Committee Chairman:
Brian Lewis, American Global LLC - brian.lewis@americanglobal.com

Technology Sub-Committee Chairman:
Chad Schindehette, CWR Contracting, Inc. - cschindehette@cwrcontracting.com

Awards Sub-Committee Chairman:

Jeremy Hostetler, The Lane Construction Company – jdhostetler@laneconstruct.com 

Committee Emails

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Please note that FTBA email distribution is for members only. You must be employed by a FTBA member company in order to qualify for this benefit.
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